
Lorne Shelby Wellington Is An Author

Published by Lorne S. Wellington on

Getting out of debt requires money to pay bill collectors and vendors. You can trade time for cash, like a job, and that is the est first place to start. However most people need more cash then their paychecks. Maybe you get an part-time job in addition to your full-time job. For a lot of people that is good and suitable solution. For me that was an option but it still didn’t produce a enough money. So in a quest to “make money while I slept”, I acted on advice given many moons ago. I wrote book.

The Back Story

There is a women’s health conference that my business participates in every year. This year a workshop I attended was about taking a bad experience and recycling it into a meaningful (profitable) experience. I was already writing and expressing my thoughts on paper but the light bulb turned on while Charly Emery was presenting. That voice said, “people keep asking you to write a book either about your time in South Africa or a business book”.

Then as confirmation I remembered Jack Canfield saying in an interview that he wanted to make more money for his family. He had a set figure in mind.  He wrote a book previously but it hadn’t been published. Through a series of serendipitous events that book he wrote previously that hadn’t been published was launched. The income from the books sales that year was the amount he wanted to earn as extra income for his family. That book launched his writing career. Then the final confirmation was this fact. If President Barack Obama hadn’t written his first book then The Obama’s would have been the presidential family to take the Oval Office with student loan debt.

So I come home and say to myself, “Lorne let’s get to writing”. As I save a draft of my thoughts I notice that there are other documents with similar words in title. Low and behold I have the workings of a book already.

It took me a few months to get the cover done and it edited. By January 1, 2012 my first book was ready and on sale at Amazon.com.

This book was my initial step towards:

  1. Building me up as a brand and establishing my credibility.
  2. Trading products for money instead time for money. Now I can make money while I sleep while helping others.

To buy a copy of my book, click here.

To read my next post on Becoming Debt Free, click here.

P.S. I haven’t listed anything on eBay as yet. I know I know. I will get to it.


WANT TO USE THIS IN YOUR BLOG, E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this complete tag with it: Lorne S. Wellington has a BA and MBA. She has been consulting and advising businesses and nonprofit organizations for over 12 years. In addition, she created a nonprofit in 1997 and today she owns Sculpted Silhouette, a lingerie boutique in Los Angeles. Her clients are located in the USA, Italy and South Africa. She has worked with a food manufacturing company, several retailers, an international aid organization, a bed and breakfast and a multi media company.


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