How an Accountability Partner Can Lead to Your Success
Accountability…It Works
On Friday I posted an article about accountability partners. I first learned of the concept at church and later heard it being used in the professional world. I decided to try it out when I was transitioning back to the USA. It has been a great tool for me. It allows me to update someone on my progress and feel a sense of accomplishment. This only fuels my fire to do more. For me realizing a goal or completing a dreaded task can only be celebrated when others know. Since I am a solo entrepreneur, my accountability partner also is a sounding board. I can run my ideas and thoughts past someone and get feedback. That is something I can’t do alone. Finally an accountability partner creates community and keeps me on track. For them me being their partner does all the same. I know from past experiences that if I am left to my own motivation I may delay, procrastinate, hinder or over think. Just having someone knowing what I need to do to reach my goal compels me to keep my word ultimately results in my vision being attained.
This past Friday a friend and I met to discuss our future plans. We have been accountability partners off and on for 10 years. We have been there when things were good and when life came apart at the seams. After a brief phone conversation the previous week we decided to revive our partnership. After our meeting we both had goals we want to achieve within the upcoming 3 months.
How It Works
I use accountability partnership mostly via email. Either at the beginning of the week or at the start of the day, I email my goals or to-dos. As I achieve a goal I email my partner with an update. Then at the end of the day or week, I review my accomplishments as compared to the plan/vision. Finally, I celebrate my success in some small way. If my goal is a benchmark goal or a most awful to-do then I sweeten the celebration with a treat just for me. I tell my partner about the treat and only act on it once I accomplish what I set out to do. This cycle continues until the plan/vision has been achieved.
Share with me about your accountability partner and how it has led to your success.
Wishing you much success.
Servermusic · December 25, 2010 at 4:05 PM
Super :)
Tips for Tacking Those Dreaded or Tedious Projects | Lorne S. Wellington · December 7, 2010 at 1:55 PM
[…] is a priority. How do you see progress and not feel overwhelmed? As I posted previously, I use accountability partners. Also, on occasions I become single minded to get the job done. The latter is true for those […]