Day 7 of 100 Day Challenge: Let’s Talk About Tech Talk Baby
I mentioned in an earlier post that I dream in music well let me add that I think in music as well. When I thinking of a title for this post I heard that Salt-N-Pepa jam, “Let’s Talk About Sex.” Work with me people sing the chorus of that song using this title. I know you hear it. Go on snap your fingers. For those who don’t know the song here is a link to the video, listen for the chorus and insert “Let’s Talk About Tech Baby”. Ok, I have digressed enough.
Let’s Talk About Tech Talk Baby For The Non-Techie
I have been on a roll. High five to me! I spent a couple of hours tackling some to-dos for my websites. What I thought would take a better part of my day did not. Moreover, what I expected to be challenging because I am not a Techie, was fairly simple execute. While researching information on Google Analytics, I found a few informative blog posts and videos. Below are the links and my quick two cents on each website or video.
- Here Are 10 Best WordPress SEO Plugins For 2015 – 2016, this is a review of the bets SEO plug-ins for WordPress. I appreciated the overview, it made it easy for me to choose which plug-in to use for my sites.
- Learn To Make Great Sites, this is a site by Google to teach Webmasters how to improve their websites for Google Analytics. I found the information easy to read. I need simple and easy as I am a non-Techie.
- When Is The Best Time of Day To Blog, this blog post provides analysis as to which days and what times are the best to post blogs and utilize certain social media.
- Semper Plugin Videos, this site has several videos explaining SEO and providing how to’s improve your website’s SEO.
- Google Analytics by Yoast WordPress Plugin Configuration | WP Learning Lab, this was a great how-to video for applying the Google Analytics code to the back end of a WordPress website.
As an Entrepreneur, I highly recommend that your website has the basics for Google Analytics and SEO set up on your website. In time, you can update and enhance the SEO. For now, set up the basics of SEO, a site map and allow Google Analytics to track the traffic on your website.
For me today is a BIG WIN. I made progress under the “working on your business” category. What big wins you have recently experienced, especially a BIG WIN in your business/nonprofit. Share with us in the comments below.
Until Tomorrow…