
Day 6 of 100 Day Challenge: Been there. Done that. Have the t-shirt to prove it.

Published by Lorne S. Wellington on

The purpose of this blog is to share with you…

I live in a big city, I have friends and family and I have not always been sure the direction of my life. I am still trying and testing but I can say that now I am living. However, my goal is to thrive. Recently, I heard Shonda Rhimes describe thriving as the hmm. Yes, I want all the hmm I can get and more. I have been searching for my professional/career sweet spot in this world, for my hmm, for my piece of heaven for a decade now. I ready for this portion of my hero’s journey to end.

As I move along the path of my hero’s journey, I wanted to know if there are other people out there in this big ol’ world that share my sentiment, perspective or taste.  I wanted to experience being a part of a community that shares similar desires and values. I wanted to be with people who had more than one passion. I wanted to be with people who were not motivated status or money yet valued them both. You see as I have traveled along the uncharted path I constantly complained to GOD that I wished someone would have left me clues along the way. So I am paying it forward by opening myself up to the world and I am leaving clues. Living on the uncharted path I picked up some tools, tips and resources. I decided to share my experiences and the tactics for successfully creating a professional and personal life off the beaten path with you. Trust me when I say I have been there. I have done that. I have the t-shirts to prove it.

I have high expectations for this website. I want it to be the depository of ALL my business, professional and life experiences. I want this website to house my ideas because I have a lot of them. I want to share my story and others’ stories on this site because I am sure someone can benefit. I am excited about what the future holds for the both of us.

So today, right now,  share with me below how you are able to thrive on your road less traveled.

Until Tomorrow…


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