Day 47 of 100 Day Challenge: Releasing and Making Room

Today I sat down and went through some old boxes from the garage. I found tear sheets for my vison board, items that were a part of a swag bag from an event I hosted in 2009 and notes for numerous ideas. While sorting through the stuff I can see that most of my dreams are still the same. I wonder why I have not really accomplished more. Let me say that differently. I wonder why I am still holding on to dreams that have not come to pass.
Power Hour
Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project, said she has a Power Hour set for one day a week, where she works on unfished projects or the stuff she procrastinates. Purging those boxes was not as painful today, a Sunday, as I thought. Sundays will be my power hour. I hope for more than an hour but if I am tackling those nagging projects every Sunday until this 100 Day Challenge is over then I am confident that will make a BIG difference in my life. And I hope a new habit will be formed.
After purging three boxes, I had a pile of items I wanted to give specific people stacked up. instead of waiting till…I got in my car and took then items to people immediately. Once I got back home, I was exhausted. I napped for 30 minutes or so. All I kept hearing was you are making room for something better, for what you really want. That should have me excited or at the least relieved but truthfully I feel like, damn you have dug such a deep hole for you to crawl out of, if only you would have done this or that. I know that kind of thinking is not healthy and does nothing positive.
I think I am holding on to some old dreams because I know that they are worth it and so are your dreams. I also know that my limited thinking, feeding the need to have things “just so” before I can act has caused a lot of spurts of energy and I know boxing my dreams away wont allow them to come true. What is needed is consistent action, even if it is small action. Take small steps every day, Lorne! I encourage you to do that same. Don’t try to the dramatic over night change. Do the simple, one thing at a time, consistently. I am sure you will enjoy the journey better and that dream will come to pass. Today, purging three boxes and follow through by dropping off the items I found in those boxes will allow something AWEOSME to happen in the near future, I am sure.
The uncharted path is all about the dreams you hold in your heart. What dream(s) are you still wishing for, what dreams are in a box in the garage? Please share with me in the comments below. I know together we can see them come true!
Until Tomorrow…