Day 13 of 100 Day Challenge: YouTube You Rock!
Out of all of the social media platforms the one I use most is YouTube. It is my go to for so much in my life. Below are the various ways I use YouTube.
- I find something to make me laugh.
- I can be motivated or inspired.
- I can learn something new.
- I have improved my skills for styling my natural hair.
- I listen to books.
- I watch the videos for new songs.
- I listen to music on demand.
- When I have a question, YouTube will have an answer.
- I can get more than one perspective on topic.
- It helps me enhance my teaching in the classroom.
- I get ideas for making big to simple changes in my life.
- I can watch movies.
I want to make videos and have a presence on YouTube. Check out and subscribe to my channel and Sculpted Silhouette’s channel. I have a few ideas I am working on now. Until then I will be a ever faithful user.
If you have a favorite YouTube video or have a channel post the links below in the comments. I will check it out.
Until Tomorrow…