
SEO: Step 1

Published by Lorne S. Wellington on

Why SEO Your Website In The First Place

You have a website but the traffic has not reached your targets.  You have a e-commerce site but it has not achieved its sales goals.  How do you increase the traffic to your website and more importantly turn that traffic into sales?  That is what I want address by SEOing (my new word) my website Sculpted Silhouette.

Before You SEO Address The Architecture

After reading Web Site Architecture Structured for Success I determined that addressing the layout of my website was the first priority.  With a bit of tweaking I eliminated a few pages with weak content and changed the order of the main navigation.  In Mark’s article he suggested besides the basic pages like home and about us, to consider other categories of “content like resources, a glossary of terms, a blog, product category sections, press releases, and the like”.  His point is add more content to the overall website.  More content makes for a “deeper site”. Then SEO each page to increase your searchability for a specific keyword or phase and to consider “tail keywords and phrases”.  All of this should result in more fish in your pond. Like my analogy? After reading that article, I will act on a hunch and add a resource and glossary page.  I will do this only after I complete the first task, a total SEO update.

Content Is King

The impression from Mark and others regarding  SEO is beyond the keyword, good content is paramount. Having more pages on your site is great but the words that fill those pages must be relevant to your site and of course your keywords must be sprinkled throughout.  Blogging is the best way to add more content and pages.  Not only can you SEO that page or post for a particular keyword, you can add links, images, video and audio.  All of which are great ways to keep the reader on your site longer and possibly increase your search engine ranking.  Sculpted Silhouette has a blog on its site.  I can say that the number of visitors continues to increase as well as the amount of time they stay on my site.  Right now I am averaging the total time on my site per visitor to be 5 minutes (AWESOME), lets see if it can increase after I complete the SEO overhaul.

Tell me what you think about Step1, which is addressing the layout of your website and adding more content.

Wishing You Much Success.


WANT TO USE THIS IN YOUR BLOG, E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? You can, as long as you include this complete tag with it: Lorne S. Wellington has a BA and MBA. She has been consulting and advising businesses and nonprofit organizations for over 12 years. In addition, she created a nonprofit in 1997 and today she owns Sculpted Silhouette, a lingerie boutique in Los Angeles. Her clients are located in the USA, Italy and South Africa. She has worked with a food manufacturing company, several retailers, an international aid organization, a bed and breakfast and a multi media company.


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