Day 99 of 100 Day Challenge: Hold Up Wait A Minute
In life expect to spend some time waiting. Waiting isn’t fun and most of us don’t do it well, even though we all have to wait. Waiting comes in a few forms. For example, one way we wait are in lines. You and I will be in lines galore. From the grocery store to public restrooms to amusement park rides, you and I will be waiting our turn. Another form of waiting we all will experience is waiting for news. Right now, I am waiting on news about a job. My emotions have varied from anxiousness to a self imposed preemptive denial (so I wont be disappointed) and yet I am still waiting.
Then I remembered about two weeks ago I walked a labyrinth, AKA walking meditation, and left asking GOD to make my next steps plain and to remove what does not need to be in my life. What has occurred in my life since that day has been a lot of no’s and waiting. I know I said I would defer USC because I want to find funding for school but with what seems to be no options in my life I am left wondering if I should take that leap of faith and go. Until I know for sure my next move, I shall wait.
Don’t Sit On Your Hands
Now there are ways to wait productively. Don’t roll your eyes at me, YES there are ways. First, finish up all those projects around the house that you have been meaning to get to but have not. I have 4 plastic tubs of those and a desk piled with papers. So you know what I will be doing. If you don’t have any “projects” then consider a deep cleaning of your home, purging your closet and/or organizing your important papers for the just in case factor.
A second way to make the most of waiting is to affirm with words and pictures. This is when your affirmations, memorized scriptures/mantras/sacred texts and visons boards come in handy. Keep referring to them igniting joy, happiness and excitement about your dreams and desires. Do whatever it takes to not go to the dark side and start complaining. And when you do start complaining and whining about life (because you will), stop and start saying those affirmations, scriptures, mantras and sacred texts.
Feed your mind is the third way to productively wait. Read funny and/or uplifting books, listen to podcasts, sign along to good feeling music with awesome lyrics (this is the time for the corny happy stuff) or watch empowering/inspiring videos. All of these will help build up your mind and distract you from the dark side. Go into the light…
Finally consider starting a new project like taking a art class, learning a new skill or language or doing a 1000 piece puzzle. Word of caution: Using this tactic could cause new stress therefore choose something simple and fun.
The benefits of doing one or all of these above mentioned tips are you will create physical, mental and emotional space for what you really desire, you will feel good about yourself, you will learn something, you will be pleasant to be around while you wait and what you give comes back so your good karma account will be overflowing.
I don’t know if I got the job. I don’t know if I will be attending class at USC in the fall. I do know that I am hanging out with friends tonight and my desk will be clear by Friday. Yes, “life is too short to wait” but in life you will be waiting. Why not make the best of it.
I hope this helps you as you wait, let me now in the comments below.
Until Tomorrow…