
Day 90 of 100 Day Challenge: Independence Day

Published by Lorne S. Wellington on

July 4th

Today is the 4th of July, United States’ Independence Day and I am celebrating my freedom at home. I went to two, yes two, parties yesterday and I am pooped.

Freedom and Independence

I know I live a privileged life in California. I can’t help but think about the fact that slavery is still going on, that women in some countries are still considered property and can’t control their bodies and that here, in the USA, many black folk don’t feel free enough to just drive their cars to the corner store. Yet in spite of those realities today, I celebrate my freedom and independence. I relish in my ability to chose so much for my person and my life.

So before you get all involved in today’s festivities take a moment to acknowledge your independence. Salute for forefathers and foremothers who paved a way for you to be and do what ever you want. Happy 4th of July America!

Be safe out there. Until Tomorrow…


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